About B. Sc in Agriculture

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture – B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture is a 4 years professional bachelor degree programme. The curriculum includes theory and practicals over eight semesters and visits and hands-on experience in the laboratories polyhouses experimental plots and fields within and outside the university in peri-urban rural and industrial settings. It includes topics related to agricultural and allied sciences use of modern scientific instruments machinery and techniques in plant and animal based farming systems land surveying soil science water resource management animal and poultry management basics of biotechnology etc. The programme is to get the students acquainted with various facets of agriculture and its related specializations in the well equipped laboratories as well as in real environment in related industry and farming. The main aim of this programme is to use the above mentioned concepts to train students understand and improve agriculture productivity manage processes & products and pave way for future developments through fundamental and mission oriented applied research with a thrust on evolution of bio-safe and eco-friendly high value agricultural production systems.

Faculty Image of Vijay Kant Pandey
Dr.Vijay Kant Pandey

(Dean - Students Welfare & HOD - Department of Agriculture)

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Eligibility Criteria

  • Sr. Secondary (10+2) with minimum 45% marks in PCM/PCB.


Career Path
