Sl No. Department Name Content Title Faculty Name View
1 D. Pharm Structure Of Bacterial Cell
2 B. Pharm Sterile Formulations Shaista Sanuber
3 B. Pharm Preventive Healthcare (Chapter – 2) Mr. Avijit Bej
4 D. Pharm Powders Shaista Sanuber
5 D. Pharm Plasma Membrane
6 D. Pharm Pharmacology Drug Acting on the Peripheral Nervous Mr. Avijit Bej
7 M.Pharm Pharmacognosy Parentral Controlled Drug Delivery System Dr. Dillip Kumar Brahma
8 B. Pharm Introduction to Social Pharmacy Mr. Avijit Bej
9 B. Pharm Introduction to Social Pharmacy (Chapter-1) Mr. Avijit Bej
10 B. Pharm Genetics Terminology
11 B. Pharm Genetic Disorder In Human
12 D. Pharm Genetic Codon
13 B. Pharm Fungi Morphology, Reproduction
14 B. Pharm Exception to Mendel_s Laws
15 D. Pharm Drug Addiction
16 B. Pharm DNA Replication in Prokaryotes
17 B. Pharm DNA Finger Printing
18 B. Pharm Bioinformatics Mr. Avijit Bej